6 meter hand-woven carpet collage, forty-piece model, vintage code 2


Forty-piece carpets (collage carpets) as a new generation of carpets were produced for the first time as hand-woven carpets. These carpets not only make traditional, old and old carpets usable again, but also by combining traditional and modern art together, they are very beautiful and have been able to attract the attention of the people of the world. Patchwork carpets or carpet collages are made from hand-woven carpets from different regions of Iran under the supervision of experienced hand-woven carpet masters and European designers. It should be noted that this product has a very durable and strong stitching so that no empty space can be seen between the stitches. Jajim fabric is also used for the back of the carpet, which is to prevent the product from sliding on different surfaces. And for more strength on the carpet, it is sewn to the Jajim fabric on the back of the carpet

Category: SKU: dkp-10912938

Additional information


302x198x0.5 cm

Approximate weight

20 kg


3 square meters

Texture type

hand made

The type of weft yarn




background color


